Why do ski instructors and mountain guides use Ski~Mojo?
In France, over 200 ski professionals have adopted Ski~Mojo. They all have a different story and a different reason. But they are unanimous, they love it.
Cedric is 32 years old. He is very sporty and in good physical shape. He was never hurt. He teaches all winter long in a family ski resort. He is a true ski enthusiast and enjoys his days off to ski alone or with his children. He has been using Ski~Mojo for 2 years and he wears it every day. He activates it to avoid fatigue and protect his knees.
n 2009, doctors told him he would not be able ski anymore
He was semi-finalist amongst the 500 best french ski instructors in 2017
Après 3 ruptures du même LCA Lili pensait que sa carrière était déjà finie
At 28 years of age, Lili already experienced 3 ACL injuries and 3 surgeries on the same knee. This is causing her pain. This pain is constant and many sports are forbidden for her. Her physical fitness is therefore not perfect. She uses Ski~Mojo to ski without knee pain. As a young teacher, she spends a lot of time with beginners and children. Without the Ski~Mojo, snowplows are a real torture for her. With Ski~Mojo, quadriceps and knees are relieved very effectively. She can now enjoy to get the kids skiing.
Christophe is 32 years old. In 2009, he had a very serious motorcycle accident that pulverized his left knee. When he was in the hospital, the doctors asked him what work he was doing. When he replied “ski instructor”, the surgeon told him that he would have to change his profession because the reconstruction of his knee would no longer allow him to ski. After 12 surgeries, he can walk but not run or cycle. He has no full extension and cannot exceed an angle of 90°.
The muscles of the left leg are atrophied. Putting too much pressure on the leg hurts his knee and he collapses if he only balances on the left leg. He loved slalom and was one of the best ski instructors in France (finalists of the challenge des moniteurs). Of course, after the accident, he couldn’t imagine coming back to a slalom track. When he tried Ski-Mojo, he immediately felt the difference. No knee pain and enough strength on the left leg. He tried to get back on a slalom track and after a run, he managed to master the technique again. Now he’s back to teasing the gates with his colleagues. Can you imagine how happy he is? Watch the video at the top of this page. It’s Christophe. Could you tell by watching him ski that he’s seriously injured?
Malgré des genoux bien usés, Carole reprend plaisir à enseigner
Hervé l’utilise pour le fun et éviter la fatigue de la saison
Marie-Laure has been teaching ski for over 40 years. Last year she decided to have 2 total knee replacement. She has been using Ski~Mojo for 3 years with happiness. Of course, the use of this device has allowed her to reduce pain and inflammation of her osteoarthritis knees for some time. Now she uses her exoskeleton to delay the wear of her new prostheses and also to reduce the risk of loosening. Moreover, beeing over 70 is no longer the same as when she was 20 even if in her mind she still feels young and loves to be out there skiing winter and summers in Les 2 Alpes. The Ski~Mojo gives her this little help to delay muscle fatigue and resist during long and fun days from top to bottom.